Link Policy
Al-Awda San Diego's web site provides links
to Palestinian human rights organizations, informational and
media awareness websites that emphasize Palestinian rights
particularly those related to refugees, and those that are
most consistent with our mission. Other organizations should
contact the national Al-Alwda webmaster at [email protected]
if they would like for their sites to be linked to the national
Al-Awda web site.
Organizations in the San Diego area that explicitly endorse
our mission may request to have a link created on our web
site to theirs provided they also provide a link to our chapter's
web site. Al-Awda San Diego is not responsible for
the privacy practices or the content of other web sites, and
unless otherwise specified, does not imply any relationship,
sponsorship, or affiliation between Al-Awda San Diego and
these linked sites, or adoption or approval of the content
of such sites.